
C Mag

Current IssueAutumn 2024

Issue 158


In C Magazine’s 40th year of publication, the writing and visual projects in this issue form an almanac in themselves, out of the impulse to make meaning out of the present state of contemporary art and liberatory organizing. As contributors find grounding in celestial time, ancestors, the stakes of censorship, the choreography of movement building, AI incantations, and more, we express almanacs as projects of persistence between past, present, and future—and even of spell-casting.

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I feel that good art is almost engaging in a work of fan fiction through a different modality than writing—you’re gathering these signs and symbols, and retooling them outside of the normal semiotic order to create new ideas and affects, and offering it as a site for collective renegotiation of meaning.
Adrien Crossman, in Fetish Aesthetics and Fan Fiction in Dana Buzzee's Philosophically Pornographic Practice