Issue 30
review of “An Installation” (1991) at the Charles H. Scott Gallery, Vancouver. Artists: Jack Jeffrey
Issue 28
Tim Rollins, K.O.S. (Kids of Survival), Van Gogh, Gauguin
Geoffrey James, Arni Runar Haraldsson
Issue 27
at Teck Gallery, Vancouver. John Vanderpant, Harold Mortimer Lamb, Fred Varley, Charles Scott, Imogen Cunningham, Edward Weston, Le Corbusier, Mondarin
Issue 25
Ashley Bickerton, Corot, Millet, Constable, Beaudelaire, Nicholas Stewart
Issue 24
at Presentation House, Vancouver. Brett Turnbull, Champon Apisuk, Kamol Phaosavasdi, Esther Shalev-Gerz, Jochen Gerz, Guillermo Gomez-Pena, Emily Hicks, Myra Davies, Thomas Marquard
Issue 18
exhibition at Or Gallery, Vancouver. Ruth Scheuing, August Sander
Issue 15
Review of the exhibition at The Western Front. Artists: Frances Leeming, Andrew J. Paterson
Issue 11
Performance at the “Strategies foor Survival”, Commodore Ballroom in Vancouver. Artists: Mona Hatoum