C Mag
2024 Audience Survey
Share your thoughts
Event Details
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This survey should take 10-15 minutes to complete. To thank you for your time, you will be entered into a draw to receive one of 10 1-year print subscriptions to C Mag (if you are already a subscriber, you can choose to extend your sub for an additional year or gift it to a friend!). All responses are anonymous, and you can feel free to skip questions.
For 40 years, C Mag has been an inspiring platform for critical writing and conversations about contemporary art and ideas.
In addition to our print magazine, C has offered a wide range of public programs, awards, and mentorship opportunities. In 2023, we launched a new event series, Vitamin C, offering our audiences flexible, playful, and interpersonal ways of deepening their engagement with the themes of each issue. In 2022, we established a fully searchable database with digital editions of all 157 issues, unveiled our new website, and began publishing online-exclusive content.
Now, as we develop our first public-facing strategic plan, and as we continue to navigate changes in our sector and the world, we want to hear from you, our supporters. We hope to incorporate your feedback as a part of our collaborative process of envisioning the future of C Mag .
Thank you for your time, your insights, and your ongoing support of C Mag!