Heather White is a writer, and a psychotherapist-in-training, in Toronto.
Issue 131
This article reviews the book I Cry: The Desire to Be Rejected (Pioneer Works Press, 2016) by Amy Lawless and Chris Cheney.
Issue 121
This article reviews the book Art as Therapy by John Armstrong and Alain de Botton, published by Phaidon Press (2013).
Issue 120
This article reviews the book Aisthesis: Scenes from the Aesthetic Regime of Art by Jacques Ranciere, published by Verso (2013).
Issue 118
The article reivews the exhibition Jimmy Limit: Show Room at Clint Roenisch Gallery in Toronto, Ontario from January 10 – February 23, 2013.
Issue 117
The article reviews the exhibition Archival Dialogues: Reading the Black Star Collection at the Ryerson Image Centre in Toronto, Ontario from September 29 – December 16, 2012, curated by Doina Popescu and Peggy Gale.
Issue 116
The article reviews the web site The Parallel Museum, located at giornopergiorno.org/2012/museo-parallelo_en.php, from the Giorna per Giorna festival in Italy which ran from June 19-30, 2012
A review is offered for the Museum of Innocence located in Istanbul, Turkey.
The article reviews the multi-gallery exhibition “The Portable Gallery Convention” in Halifax, Nova Scotia in September 2012.