Kevin Rodgers is an artist currently based in Kingston, Ontario, where he is Artistic Director of Modern Fuel.
Issue 125
This article presents a review of the exhibition Is Toronto Burning?, curated by Philip Monk and held at the Art Gallery of York University in Toronto from September 17 – December 7, 2014. Artists discussed include General Idea, Susan Britton, Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge, The Clichettes, Clive Robertson, Tom Sherman, Elizabeth Chitty, David Buchan, and Missing Associates.
Issue 116
The article reviews the exhibition “Raymond Boisjoly: The Work That Work Leaves Undone” at Forest City Gallery in London, Ontario from May 11 – June 9, 2012.
Issue 110
The article reviews the exhibition “Bruce Nauman: Audio/Video Piece for London, Ontario” at the Forest City Gallery in London, Ontario from January 7 to February 19, 2011.
Issue 86
This article considers the spiritual in art, discussing the relationship of 1970s endurance art, Linda Montano, and Velcrow Ripper’s documentary film Scared Sacred to meditation and practices of eastern religion. The authors write about the risk of failure involved in art that is spiritual in nature, and propose Nicholas Bourriaud’s Relational Aesthetics as a potential alternative approach.